Each Family Promise begins through the creation of a rotational shelter network- congregations and organizations coming together to provide shelter for homeless children and their families. It’s a simple model that allows congregations and organizations small and large to make a modest, yet meaningful impact.
Here are the basics components of the model:
Host Congregations 13 host congregations provide overnight accommodations (from 5:30pm to 7am) and meals to families (up to fourteen people) on a rotating schedule. With 13 host congregations/organizations, each one hosts families just 4 weeks per year.
Community AgenciesLocal agencies assess and refer guests to the program and work with the Director to coordinate needed services for guest families. VolunteersAbout 50 volunteer slots during each host week. A primary coordinator, working with one to three assistant coordinators, oversees the program within each congregation.
TransportationDedicated volunteers drive our guests in a van to and from the host sites and the day center.
Support Congregations/Organizations 26 support congregations will partner with hosts to provide additional volunteers during hosting weeks. That means each host will have two partners.
Day CenterDuring the day, our Family Day Centers in NE Portland become a family’s “home base”. Our case manager works with the families to meet their basic needs, connect with community resources, and accomplish their employment and housing goals.
FundingEach Affiliate is its own 501c3 and fundraises organizational expenses including but not limited to: staff salary (usually at least 1.5 FTE at program start), insurances, licensing fees, general supplies, transportation, etc.
Invest in Families - Donate to Family Promise of Metro East Here |
Ready to get involved?
Call E.D. Seth Truby - 503.753.3960 |